Saturday, August 7, 2010

Cherry Chocolate Crust Dessert

I love desserts; and I love chocolate. Eating healthy does require passing on dessert at times, but there are those times when chocolate is a necessity. One night we were all craving some rich goodness to please our needy taste buds so I created this goodie. I call it, "Cherry Chocolate Crusty Dessert," doesn't that make you hungry? Try only using a measuring cup and the pie plate so there is less clean up.

Measure into the pie plate:
1 cup flour (next time I am going to try a mix of white and whole wheat)
3-4 T cocoa
3/4 t baking powder
1/8 t salt

In the measuring cup combine:
1/3 cup canola oil
1 t vanilla
1/2 cup Splenda (sugar would be more delicious)

Pour this mixture into the pie plate and combine with the dry mixture, spread out the crust to cover the bottom of the pie plate.

Top with about 1/3 cup cherry pie filling.

Bake at 375 for about 10 minutes - just long enough to cook the crust.

You could omit the cherry pie filling and top off the crust with fresh strawberries - so many options!!!


  1. What...what is this Heaven-sent delight? Food of the Angels, surely!

  2. Debbie! I remembered the web address for your blog... are you impressed? :) I am LOVING reading around on here. This dessert looks so delicious... excited to try lots of your recipes, beginning with the dinner rolls!

    Love, Katy
